Kunstler, Darrow and… Shatner?

By now you all know, of course, that the Law Library has a pretty great DVD collection, and you also know where it is. (Oh, you don’t? Well, go down to the Federal Reporter and hang a left.) And we’ve done some work over the summer to make it better, including adding some interesting depictions of real life (and some not-so-real-life, of course) lawyers.

For instance, we already owned the Criterion Collection’s DVD release of Young Mr. Lincoln, starring Henry Fonda as a young travelling lawyer named Abraham Lincoln; we’ve also recently added the DVD of Henry Fonda’s acclaimed one-man show about Clarence Darrow, in which he recounts the trials of  John Scopes and Leopold and Loeb.

Disturbing the Universe on POVWe’ve also added a documentary on a much more recent and controversial attorney, William Kunstler, who died on September 4th, 1995, while preparing to represent another in a long line of controversial defendants.

Don’t need all of that reality? Well, we have you covered, too. Check out The Defender, starring a very young William Shatner as an attorney defending Steve McQueen, or the more recent (and hilarious) Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. Who knows? You might just get an idea for your outfit for next year’s Dragon*Con!

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