April Celebrations

Day PictureBy Kristin Poland

Spring break is over, and you might be thinking that there aren’t any holidays to look forward to until Memorial Day, right?  Wrong!  April is full of fun and interesting celebrations, so choose your favorite and make it memorable.

Dyngus Day was celebrated on April 1st this year.  Traditional activities include soaking ladies with water and swatting them with pussy willow branches.  If that type of thing doesn’t appeal to you, you could just kick back with a plate of pierogies and listen to some polka music instead.

April 7th is No Housework Day, so be sure to get your laundry done on Saturday if you happen to be running low on clean undies.

The inventor of Scrabble was born on April 13, 1899, and so, every April 13th, we observe National Scrabble Day.  I recommend commemorating the day by learning all of the words that begin with “q” but do not require “u.”

Tuesday, April 16th is National Library Workers Day.  I can’t find a reference anywhere, but I’m pretty sure that this momentous holiday is observed by bestowing gifts of baked goods on your friendly GSU Law librarians.

Closing out the month is Hairstyle Appreciation Day, on April 30th.  Websites recommend that, among other things, you style your hair in a special way, or in a way that you have not tried before.  For those of you born after 1989, and therefore never sported a mullet for school pictures (with the laser background, of course), now is the perfect time to try it out.

Happy April!

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