Movies that Every Law Student Should Watch (pt. 1)

Maybe you are a law student looking for a morale-boosting movie set in the legal profession or perhaps you cannot seem to escape thoughts about law school even in your free time. Either way, this new series, Movies that Every Law Student Should Watch, can act as your guide in navigating the world of movies related to the legal field. 

Note: All of the movies in this series can be borrowed from the Law Library (find them in person near the study aids or online here). 

Legally Blonde (2001) - IMDb
  1. Legally Blonde (2001)

Run-time: 96 min

Subjects: Criminal Law; Evidence; Lawyering: Advocacy

While it is likely that most of you have already watched this cult classic, I will not let that stop me from recommending it to you again. Elle Woods, played by Reese Witherspoon, breaks all of the stereotypes held against her when she makes it into Harvard Law School. Though it may look like your typical early-00s romantic comedy, the film intermixes humor with invaluable lessons on friendship, female empowerment, and conquering impostor syndrome.

My Cousin Vinny (1992) - IMDb
  1. My Cousin Vinny (1992)

Run-time: 119 min

Subjects: Criminal Procedure; Evidence; Lawyering: Advocacy

For a light-hearted take on legal proceedings, this movie is a must-watch. It follows the misadventures of a novice lawyer, Vinny Gambini, as he tries to defend his cousin against murder charges. While the film humorously portrays courtroom antics, lawyers have commended My Cousin Vinny for its accurate depiction of trial strategy and criminal procedure. 

The Paper Chase (film) - Wikipedia

  1. The Paper Chase (1973)

Run-time: 111 min

Subjects: Contracts, General 1L Curriculum

Though the movie is now over fifty years old, The Paper Chase portrayal of law school life is ever relevant and painfully realistic. You cannot help but root for the main character, Hart, as he tries to find his way through his first year at Harvard Law.

  1. 12 Angry Men (1957)

Run-time: 96 min

Subjects: Criminal Law; Lawyering: Advocacy; Evidence

12 Angry Men (1957) - IMDb

12 Angry Men is a riveting courtroom drama that focuses on the dynamics of a jury room. The film follows twelve jurors as they deliberate the guilt or innocence of a young man accused of murder. It provides valuable insights into the art of persuasion, reasonable doubt, and the importance of careful deliberation—essential skills for any law student.

I hope this list provides you with a good head-start as you begin your legal movie journey. Keep an eye out for the next installment in this series (Movies that Every Law Student Should Watch).

We would to hear from you. What is your favorite legal movie?